Thursday, March 08, 2007




Once again, the anxious faces lined up to be questioned.

“Hello, how are you?”
“What’s your name?”
“Where do you work?”
“Where are you from?”
“What did you do yesterday?”
“What will you do tomorrow?”

After eight years of doing these interviews you’d think it would be tiring, but participating in this process must have some sort of addictive quality - the anticipation of each student is like some untapped source of energy, each one concentrating, listening… giving all they have. No, these are not questions for a job interview or a border patrol check; these are questions designed to determine how much English a person already knows. How well a person responds will determine whether he is placed in a class for level 1, 2 or 3. After several hectic minutes of questioning, all the students at last are assigned to their proper teacher and the lessons begin.

I meet my newest class of Level 2 students last night. Twelve adults sat with pencils in hand, ready to practice making the “th” sound, repeat a list of familial nouns and attempt personal introductions. The 90 minutes raced by far too quickly and after exchanging telephone numbers, all but two of the students left the room to pick up their children or to hurry home for a late supper. Rocio and Rafael were whispering together as I gathered up my books and notes, then Rocio spoke in lovely broken English.

“Teacher, you understand Spanish?”

“Yes I can,” I answered.

“Do I su permiso speak to you en español? I need speak with my heart.”

“Yes, of course.” I put down my book bag and sat in the chair beside her and her husband.

Rubio, without one moment of shyness, began this story:

“Rafael and I have four children back in Mexico. Uno de ellos tiene Downs – one of them has Downs. The medical care for her is very expensive. We are here to work for our children – we each have two full-time jobs. Earning money for our children is the reason we are in the United States, but it isn’t the reason we are in Alabama. My sister came to work in Alabama several years ago. While she was here, she meet a woman of God who told her about Jesus. My sister would call us from Alabama and tell us things that this woman of God was teaching her about Jesus. We began to know that my sister was different – she had happiness, she had her real needs meet, she began to change greatly. When she returned to Mexico we could see for ourselves that she was like a new person. She said that Jesus had made her new. Rafael and I have been working here now for 1 ½ years and for all this time we have been looking for someone who can tell us about Jesus. We want to have what my sister has. We want to take this back to our children when we return to Mexico.”

I was speechless. I have never imagined a story like this before and for an instant I doubted that I was understanding her Spanish – perhaps I’d made an error in the translation. But any doubts fled as Rocio continued.

“This is our first time to be in un iglesia evanjelica – an evangelical church. Is there anyone in this big church who can tell us about Jesus? We work every day except Wednesday. But if there is someone who can meet with us on Wednesdays we will go anywhere. Maybe they can come to our home. Or maybe they will meet with us before the English class – or even afterwards. Do you know anyone like that?”

By then tears were flooding, overflowing, pouring down my face. I reached out and hugged Rocio and said, “Rocio, I promise that I will find someone for you. I promise this.”

“But how can you make this promise? How can you be certain? We have waited for so long – how can you know that you can find a teacher?”

“I know that God has given you this hunger to know Him, and I know that He has prepared someone who can teach you. He will bring it to happen.”

Rafael was overjoyed, “When can we call you? Can we call you tonight? When will you know?”

I laughed, “Perhaps not tonight. But I will know by Friday who will teach you.”

“By Friday…we will know our teacher by Friday…”

As we walked out of the classroom, I heard someone call my name, “Carol, como estas?”
It was my friend Jose Luis. “Do you know this family?” I asked.

“No, I don’t believe that I do.”

“Rafael and Rocio, let me present Jose Luis, our pastor. Jose Luis, this family has expressed a great desire to know Jesus and I’m wondering if you can meet with them here next week before English class.”

Rocio was astounded, “God truly does answer your prayers!”

“No,” I replied, “He answered your prayers.”

“But when did I pray to God?” she asked.

“Just now, Rocio. Just now.”

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